Your home is your castle, and likely the biggest investment that you will make in your life.  When your use of your property is threatened, a good attorney can make all the difference.  Whether dealing with contractors, neighbors, landlords, tenants, or the government, Andrew Paris Law is ready to help protect your rights as a property owner.  

Real Estate Transactions

For most individuals and businesses, your real estate is your biggest asset.  Andrew Paris law can assist clients with buying and selling property in normal or unusual transactions.  It is smart and usually less expensive to hire a lawyer early in a complicated real estate transaction to help you avoid avoid the many pitfalls of Oregon law rather than having a lawyer litigate your way out of it at a later date.  

Neighbor Disputes and Adverse Possession

Unfortunately, we don't get to pick our neighbors.  Individuals and businesses have rights under Oregon Law and City Codes to protect their property from difficult neighbors.  Andrew Paris Law can help you deal with issues of trespass, encroachment, and property damage.  Sometimes it simply takes a strongly worded letter to achieve a client's goals.  Sometimes it takes litigation through a jury verdict.  Either way, Andrew Paris Law is here to help you.

Some of the most heated litigation in Oregon can be over the question of where your property line is.  Adverse possession claims also seem to be becoming more and more common in Oregon.  Adverse possession is a particularly complicated claim to bring or defend against.  Andrew Paris is experienced in these cases and can help you to protect your real estate against people trying to take it from you.  

Landlord/Tenant Law

Both landlords and tenants have very clear rights spelled out in Oregon and Federal law, yet those rights are violated on a regular basis.  The eviction process must be executed with near perfection for it to be effective.  Oregon law states that landlords may not forcibly remove a tenant without the presence of a sheriff and a court order from a judge.  If you are a landlord, Andrew Paris Law will help you serve notice of termination on problem tenants and bring them to court if they disobey the notice.  Andrew Paris law can also help you draft lease agreements and understand the complicated laws that Portland and Oregon have regarding tenants.

If you are a commercial landlord or tenant, then the law is more heavily focused on the terms of your contract.  Andrew Paris Law can help commercial landlords and tenants draft lease agreements and interpret them.  If need be, Andrew Paris Law will go to court for you to protect your rights.  

Construction Contractors

Oregon law requires that most people follow a special process through the Construction Contractors Board, including an on-site mediation, before suing a contractor.  If you are a property owner, Andrew Paris Law can assist you with that process and any subsequent litigation.  If you are a contractor looking to defend yourself against a problem client or collect on unpaid invoices, Andrew Paris Law can help protect your business.


When two or more people own a piece of property jointly, you are likely tenants in common.  As a tenant in common, you have the right to force a sale or buyout of your property.  Andrew Paris Law can help you fairly divide your property and bring a partition lawsuit when your co-owners refuse to cooperate.