Negotiation and settlement are usually the best ways to resolve conflicts, but when those options fail, you need someone ready to fight for you all the way to a jury.  Whether you are fighting with business partners, enforcing a contract, or defending against a lawsuit, Andrew Paris Law is ready and able to take civil lawsuits all the way to a final judgment.  

The following are examples of areas that Andrew Paris Law has experience litigating as both a plaintiff's and defense attorney:

Breach of Contract

Contracts are the basic building blocks of business in America.  When people breach their contracts and all other measures fail, litigation is the last resort.  Andrew Paris Law has litigated a variety of breach of contract cases including construction, finance, commercial and residential real estate agreements, and simple failure to pay on sales agreements.  

Shareholder / Member Disputes

As an owner of a company, you are owed certain duties from the other owners by contract and under state and Federal laws.  Sometimes, certain owners will abuse their power over you company for their own personal benefit at the expense of their business partners.  Lawyers refer to this as shareholder oppression and it is usually illegal.  If you own a business and you believe another co-owner is abusing their power, litigation can sometimes be necessary to protect your business interests.  Andrew Paris Law has experience dealing with oppressive business partners and helping clients recover their investments.

Business Dissolution / Owner Expulsion / Buyout

Sometimes business relationships become so toxic that you need to wind up your business and walk away.  There are also circumstances where one owner is so troublesome that it damages the business for everyone else.  Business owners have rights under Oregon law and under contract to help them in these circumstances.  If you are evaluating whether or not to expel a member or shareholder from your company or dissolve your company, it is wise to have a lawyer like Andrew Paris guide you through that process, including the litigation that often comes alongside those processes.  


We like to hope for the best in people, especially those that are close to us and work with us.  Unfortunately, there are those out there that will take advantage of that trust.  If someone has lied to you in order to improperly take money or property from you, you may be a victim of fraud.  Andrew Paris Law can help uncover fraud and seek damages in court.  

General Business Litigation

Businesses have to deal with all sorts of issues ranging from non-competes to real estate disputes to regulatory fights to non-payment.  Andrew Paris Law is equipped to help businesses and individuals address Oregon's complicated legal system in a wide variety of cases.