International business and real estate matters are fraught with peril.   Unfamiliar foreign regulations and fraud can turn attractive looking deals into nightmares.  Andrew Paris Law understands many of these twists and turns and can help you or your business handle international litigation and real estate matters.


Litigation against foreign companies and individuals requires a lawyer that understands the unique issues that can arise in these cases.  Few business lawyers understand the ins and outs of major international treaties like the Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).  Andrew Paris has worked on cases involving international law and can help you in cases where it is a central issues.


Andrew Paris Law also helps people and businesses enter into, review, and evaluate international real estate and business deals.  Fraud and unusual regulations are common in these types of deals and Andrew Paris Law can help you protect yourself.  If you are considering buying property, selling a timeshare, or entering into a business contract with a foreign company or person, contract Andrew Paris Law to review your agreement prior to entering into it.

Foreign Clients

Andrew Paris Law also assists foreign businesses and individuals set up businesses here in Oregon.  There are often special rules regarding how foreign people do business in the United States, and Andrew Paris Law can help them to understand those laws and protect their assets.